

News, events, updates, and more.

Find out about the latest developments and changes happening at iVigee here.

iVigee 2023 milestones

iVigee 2023 milestones. We 2019ve had a few!
As 2023 draws to a close, it a good time to review some of iVigee 2019 s key successes and look back over what has been a tremendous year of innovation and growth for us, captured in this post 2019s slideshow.


iViReg Community subscription package!

iVigee launches breakthrough iViReg Community subscription package!
Pharmacovigilance professionals can now gain access to our world-leading iViReg platform through a simple online entry-level subscription, allowing them to access core features of iViReg in one easy step.


iVigee in Boston

The iVigee team, comprising of Ken Nordeen, Kane Smith, Jan Petracek, Tereza Cibulova, and Robert Scheiner, participated in the 7th ISoP Boston Seminar on Intelligent Automation.


Landmark EU Regulation points to implications for AI in Pharmacovigilance!

Landmark EU Regulation points to implications for AI in Pharmacovigilance!
The European Union reached an important milestone on Saturday with its proposed regulation of Artificial Intelligence. The EU AI Act comes after intense discussions with EU Member States and the European Parliament, with approval scheduled in Spring 2024 and the act coming into force in 2026. The importance of this comes from what is known as the 2018Brussels Effect 2019, where European changes may inspire global shifts in AI governance.


Complexity and Priorities - Explaining AI in Pharmacovigilance

Complexity and Priorities - Explaining AI in Pharmacovigilance.
Understanding the relevance of AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) like GPT-4 within pharmacovigilance can be difficult, but the key is to demystify their complexity and prioritize explanation.


The Final Agenda for the 7th ISoP Boston Seminar is here!

ISoP Intelligent Automation Seminar - few spots left to register!
Our CEO Jan Petracek and CIO Robert Scheiner will be presenting at the 7th Intelligent Automation in Pharmacovigilance Seminar, hosted at the Biogen Cambridge Campus on the 4th and 5th of December in Boston. Explore the future of pharmacovigilance!


Contact us about our technology and services.

Whatever your pharmacovigilance requirements, our world-leading technology platforms and globally experienced operational teams can provide the solution.

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