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Pharmacovigilance Regulatory Intelligence Process

How mature is your regulatory intelligence process? 📶


News from Belgium in iViReg

iViReg leverages hundreds of local experts in 90+ countries to provide interpretations and impact assessments of regulatory changes.


iViReg in RQA's Quasar Magazine

iViReg is powering the GVP regulatory intelligence updates published in the Research Quality Association’s (RQA’s) quarterly Quasar Magazine.


iViMedic - Implement AI in your PV Department

Looking for an easy way to implement AI in your PV department? iViMedic is quickly growing as a preferred solution for processing medical information, cutting down errors associated with saving and translating adverse events.


The new website is alive!

We are addressing unmet business needs by leveraging our robust expertise in pharmacovigilance, enhanced by the latest AI implementations.

AI Training

Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance

A practical orientation virtual live training course for the next level of pharmacovigilance technology as it is being implemented across the industry.
