
The new website is alive!

We are addressing unmet business needs by leveraging our robust expertise in pharmacovigilance, enhanced by the latest AI implementations.

Through our unique partnerships with the Deloitte AI Institute and leading tech giants like Microsoft Azure, Oracle Health, Amazon Web Services (AWS), and OpenAI, we push boundaries and innovate beyond traditional limits. Visit our new website to discover how we can transcend your expectations and bring visionary solutions to life in your pharmacovigilance practice.

What you can expect to find at

1. Description why clients choose iVigee at every part of the drug safety cycle.
2. Overview of our digital products, including iViReg, iViMedic, and iViSight.
3. How to get started - schedule a product demo or AI in PV assessment.

Go ahead...snoop around @

#pharmacovigilance #compliance #ai #pvtechnology