
AI PV training for DIA


IVigee CEO and CIO to deliver new AI PV training for DIA.

The Drug Information Association (DIA) is offering a new in-demand course for senior pharmacovigilance professionals from October 10th to 12th run by AI PV expert and iVigee CEO Jan Petracek, and IT expert and iVigee CIO Robert Scheiner.

Jan has been a leading figure in AI and pharmacovigilance technology for several years and will be giving his detailed insight into the rapidly changing world of Artificial Intelligence and its impact on pharmacovigilance.

Robert has a wealth of experience within this specific field and is the IT brains behind products such as iVigee 2019s iViReg and iViMedic.

The course is designed to give an understanding of what exists, what is coming, and practical steps on how to engage with AI tools and products.

You can watch Jan describe the new course here and you can find more details about the course and register for a remaining seat at DIA.

iVigee is a world leading technology company that specialises in combining AI, IT, and industry expertise to create simple, powerful, and elegant solutions that revolutionize the field of pharmacovigilance.

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#pharmacovigilance #pvtechnology #ai #artificialintelligence