
Artificial Intelligence in Pharmacovigilance


One great reason to be excited about drug safety and pharmacovigilance is fueled by technology. In recent years, there has been a flood of members from the technical community working their way into different aspects, processes, and procedures that make up pharmacovigilance. This should be music to everyone's ears, from patients to payors, for life-science/biotech and pharma, for national competent authorities, and certainly for the entire team at iVigee.

For all the professionals who are excited by the new uses of technology, the re-positioning of older technologies, and the prospects of what is yet to come, iVigee is excited as well. iVigee is heavily involved in bringing new technologies to life within the realm of pharmacovigilance. And the benefits when organized and executed properly can far outweigh the costs.

Artificial intelligence in pharmacovigilance is a topic that has made its way into every single conference where PV professionals gather for several years now. There are many organizations seeking to create and leave their mark on the technological advancements that AI can bring to PV.