
Farmakovigilance 2022 - rating


Did you miss the chance to attend the seminar Pharmacovigilance 2022 organized by the Institute of Pharmacovigilance? Here is a short recap from Ondrej Sedlak and Karolina Kliestikova and their view on the latest news in the PV world.


I truly enjoyed the conference this year. The conference generated a lot of ideas about how to continue to expand my skills and my professional qualification. Regulatory Intelligence, EudraVigilance, and CTR sessions were the most valuable for me. I also liked the opportunity for interaction during coffee breaks. Thank you!


It was my pleasure to attend the annual Czech Pharmacovigilance Seminar 2022 and meet great experts, speakers, and my former colleagues. One of the presentations which stood out for me was the iVigee PV Regulatory Intelligence project and how to gain correct data about local PV requirements presented by Marcela Fialova. I appreciate all the input in this accomplished and successful seminar.