
Jan Petracek at AESGP


Our CEO, Jan Petracek, MD, recently presented at the prestigious AESGP MedTech Summit & Regulatory Conference in Brussels, Belgium. His presentation, The Future of Pharmacovigilance and PV Technology, provided insightful commentary on the latest automation efforts and innovations in the pharmacovigilance space.

Dr. Petracek discussed critical topics such as how intelligent communication centers revolutionize adverse events and product complaint management. He also covered intelligent automation initiatives in PV and Sentinel innovations like leveraging NLP and harmonizing the common data model. Moreover, the lessons learned from past automation failures including the risks of over-reliance on black box AI and the importance of human oversight.

With over 22 years of experience as a former regulator, business leader, and Director of ISoP, he offered unique perspectives on the future of PV at this event. If your organization is interested in learning more about what was presented or on cutting-edge PV technology and automation, please contact Jan Petracek.